5. April 2013

Men are from mars Women are from Venus

Here's an audio recording about men and women, which I highly recommend to both parties. It might even be fun to listen to it as a couple, if you are in a relationship. Otherwise it might give you some useful information for a future relationship. 


"Falling in love is always magical. It feels eternal. We naively believe that somehow we are except from the problems our parents had. Free from the odds that love will die, assure that it's meant to be, we are destined to live forever. Happily ever after. But as the magic fades and daily life takes over, it emerges that men continue to expect women to think and react like men and women expect men to feel and behave like women. We don't take the time to understand and respect each other. We become demanding, recentful, judgemental and intollerant. We ask ourselves: How does it happen? Why does it happen? Why does it happen to us?


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