28. April 2013

Laino Deodorant

Die Deodorants von Laino sind allesamt frei von Paraben, Phenoxyethanol und Aluminium. Aus diesem Grund auf jeden Fall besser für die Gesundheit als die herkömmlichen Deos aus dem Supermarkt. 

Die Laino-Deodorants sind erhältlich in 3 wirklich gut riechenden Düften

  • Fruit
  • Green Tea
  • Citrus

Ich habe mich für den Citrusduft entschieden und bin ganz süchtig danach. 

Laino - Le soin naturel

27. April 2013

Madara Gesichtspflegeprodukte (Bio)

Es ist Frühling und ich kann es kaum erwarten, meine erste Bräune willkommen zu heissen. Voraussetzung für eine schöne und regelmässige Bräune ist jedoch eine gepflegte Haut. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mir Gesichtsreinigungsprodukte von Madara gekauft. 

Die meisten von euch kennen bestimmt das 3-Stufen-Reinigungssystem von Clinique. Ich habe das früher selbst mal ausprobiert und das Resultat war gar nicht so schlecht. Heute greife ich aber lieber zu natürlichen Produkten. Madara hat etwas ganz ähnliches im Angebot. Als erstes wird die Haut mit einem Reinigungsschaum gewaschen. Dieser entfernt Make-up und Unreinheiten. Danach findet eine etwas tiefere Reinigung mit dem Toner statt. Zum Schluss nicht vergessen, eine Creme aufzutragen, um der Haut wieder Feuchtigkeit zu spenden. Den Reinigungsschaum und Toner kann ich jedem empfehlen. Bei der Creme kommt es etwas auf den Hauttyp drauf an. Es hat verschiedene Produkte im Angebot. Die Produkte sind nicht ganz günstig. Jedes der drei Produkte kostet zw. CHF 25.- und CHF 35.-



Tiefenreinigendes Gesichtswasser




26. April 2013

WeWOOD - Wooden Watches

How cools that. I already posted a link of wooden sunglasses. Now I found a website with wooden watches. I love everything made out of wood. But when it comes to natural material, the philosophy behind the brand is important to me. Here a excerpt of the philosophy of WeWOOD.
"WEWOOD has emerged out of Italy as an emblem of eco-luxury and design, committed to the health of our planet. WEWOOD is the avant-garde approach to sophisticated sustainability."


11. April 2013


3. Go on regular date nights
4. Hide notes in secret places
5. Go to bed at the same time
6. Listen to music together-share ear-buds
7. Buy him gifts he will love
8. Revitalize the romance with intimate dates
9. Wear shirts that tell the world you love your spouse
10. Praise your spouse to other people
11. Read a marriage devotional
12. Sleep in his t-shirts
13. Renew your vows privately with whispers and memories
14. Renew them publicly with cake and bubbly
15. Go away together at least once a year

For Women Only
16. Hang pictures of the two of you around your house
17. Make his favorite dessert
18. Make sex a priority
19. Spend time apart occasionally
20. Learn to enjoy something he loves
21. Surprise each other
22. Meet him at the door
23. Text each other from across the room
24. Set reminders on your phone to remember him/her throughout the week
25. Call him right now and tell him you appreciate him

For Men Only
26. Leave work on time and come home early
27. Engage every day in meaningful conversation
28. Compliment each other
29. Take one day a month to make your spouse your total focus
30. Argue fair: avoid these words “you always” and “you never”
31. Kiss every day
32. Find tangible ways to serve your mate without complaining
33. Forgive quickly
34. Be honest.
35. Get on the same page: plan your budget together
36. Look your best as often as you can
37. Guard your marriage
38. Laugh together
39. When you are together-BE TOGETHER (take a break from phones, technology, etc)
40. Tell her she’s pretty, especially when she’s not feeling it

41. Make each other breakfast in bed
42. Do her chores for her
44. Get a couple’s massage or host your own privately
44. Dance together-soft music (both of you alone) or rocking music with the kids
45. Exercise together- hikes, bike riding, etc
46. Choose not to be annoyed by an irritating behavior/disappointment from your spouse
47. Thank your spouse often even for the least reason or gesture
48. Lay in bed together and stare into each other eyes, without talking
49. Learn something new together-take an art class, cooking lessons, etc
50. Leave a sweet comment on the Facebook wall
51. Support each other’s goals
52. Bring her flowers/gifts (even when she says they are too expensive)
53. Wear something your spouse loves
54. Share furniture-sit in his lap
55. Fight for your marriage
56. Make a point to eat dinner together most days of the week.
57. Never let your spouse feel like they come second place to your career or any other thing.
58. Talk about your dreams and aspirations. Be supportive of each other and dream big together!
59. Maintain a united front as your motto: Meaning- “Me and you against the world.
60. Speak well of your spouse

3. Go on regular date nights
4. Hide notes in secret places
5. Go to bed at the same time
6. Listen to music together-share ear-buds
7. Buy him gifts he will love
8. Revitalize the romance with intimate dates
9. Wear shirts that tell the world you love your spouse
10. Praise your spouse to other people
11. Read a marriage devotional
12. Sleep in his t-shirts
13. Renew your vows privately with whispers and memories
14. Renew them publicly with cake and bubbly
15. Go away together at least once a year

For Women Only
16. Hang pictures of the two of you around your house
17. Make his favorite dessert
18. Make sex a priority
19. Spend time apart occasionally
20. Learn to enjoy something he loves
21. Surprise each other
22. Meet him at the door
23. Text each other from across the room
24. Set reminders on your phone to remember him/her throughout the week
25. Call him right now and tell him you appreciate him

For Men Only
26. Leave work on time and come home early
27. Engage every day in meaningful conversation
28. Compliment each other
29. Take one day a month to make your spouse your total focus
30. Argue fair: avoid these words “you always” and “you never”
31. Kiss every day
32. Find tangible ways to serve your mate without complaining
33. Forgive quickly
34. Be honest.
35. Get on the same page: plan your budget together
36. Look your best as often as you can
37. Guard your marriage
38. Laugh together
39. When you are together-BE TOGETHER (take a break from phones, technology, etc)
40. Tell her she’s pretty, especially when she’s not feeling it

41. Make each other breakfast in bed
42. Do her chores for her
44. Get a couple’s massage or host your own privately
44. Dance together-soft music (both of you alone) or rocking music with the kids
45. Exercise together- hikes, bike riding, etc
46. Choose not to be annoyed by an irritating behavior/disappointment from your spouse
47. Thank your spouse often even for the least reason or gesture
48. Lay in bed together and stare into each other eyes, without talking
49. Learn something new together-take an art class, cooking lessons, etc
50. Leave a sweet comment on the Facebook wall
51. Support each other’s goals
52. Bring her flowers/gifts (even when she says they are too expensive)
53. Wear something your spouse loves
54. Share furniture-sit in his lap
55. Fight for your marriage
56. Make a point to eat dinner together most days of the week.
57. Never let your spouse feel like they come second place to your career or any other thing.
58. Talk about your dreams and aspirations. Be supportive of each other and dream big together!
59. Maintain a united front as your motto: Meaning- “Me and you against the world.
60. Speak well of your spouse

9. April 2013

Vegan Society

Here the link to a very interesting and informative website for vegans. There is an abundance of explanations, information about nutrition, vitamins, traveling and a big variety of nice recipes and so on. It's really worth it to have a look. To take on board some ideas might increase your energy level and your overall well being. 


8. April 2013

Warum Tiere cleverer sind als wir Meschen

Würden es uns die Tiere in Sachen Essgewohnheiten nachmachen, würde das in etwa so raus kommen...

5. April 2013

Men are from mars Women are from Venus

Here's an audio recording about men and women, which I highly recommend to both parties. It might even be fun to listen to it as a couple, if you are in a relationship. Otherwise it might give you some useful information for a future relationship. 


"Falling in love is always magical. It feels eternal. We naively believe that somehow we are except from the problems our parents had. Free from the odds that love will die, assure that it's meant to be, we are destined to live forever. Happily ever after. But as the magic fades and daily life takes over, it emerges that men continue to expect women to think and react like men and women expect men to feel and behave like women. We don't take the time to understand and respect each other. We become demanding, recentful, judgemental and intollerant. We ask ourselves: How does it happen? Why does it happen? Why does it happen to us?


4. April 2013

"I don't mind failing if I tried first, because that's not really failing. Not to try at all is a failure." 
- from some stupid TV show that might not be so stupid in the end ;-) -