28. Februar 2013
24. Februar 2013
17. Februar 2013
The Venus Project
Amazing that we would already have all the technology to make this project a reality and solve most of our world wide problems. Why is there not enough interest around to make it become true???
Hungry For Change
This is a must watch for everybody. Follow the link bellow and learn. We should all be hungry, but for information and not comforting foods.

14. Februar 2013
Do Something Meaningful On Valentines Day
There's nothing romantic about buying something for someone you love at a specific time because you are told so. Let's face it, if you don't treat the people around you with love and respect during the year, Valentines Day is not gonna fix it. And who is gonna benefit the most?... yes, the economy. So if you still fancy celebrating this day, why not doing something meaningful and beneficial for yourself or to others. Here are some of my recommendations.
I am sure, you could add a lot more to this list.
- make yourself and your beloved ones a fresh and healthy juice
- go for a walk and enjoy nature
- go through your wardrobe and give the things you don't wear anymore to a good organisation
- donate money to social projects abroad
- think about what you wanna do to show love during the coming year (volunteering on your next holiday, sponsoring a social or environment project, fundraise some money for a good purpose, make some beneficial changes in your diet, work out on a regular basis, be there for ppl that need and appreciate your support ...)
- surprise ppl around you with something nice when they don't expect it (it doesn't have to be something materialistic and not on Valentines Day)
- spend some time with someone from a old people's home
- have a hot bath and read something meaningful (perhaps about self-development, lifestyle, health, relationships or whatever else could benefit you and others)
- ...
I am sure, you could add a lot more to this list.
13. Februar 2013
I Am Because We Are
Learn more about the situation in Malawi. How a poor country suffers from HIV, leaving many children behind without parents.
10. Februar 2013
Bewusste Atmung
Jeder Mensch hat seinen eigenen Atemrhythmus, von dem er sich leiten lässt. Dieser spiegelt zu allen Zeiten seine seelische Verfassung wider. Gefühle, wie z.B. Wut und Angst, aber auch Freude, Liebe etc. schlagen sich auf die Atmung nieder. Die Atmung hat ebenfalls Einfluss auf die Geisteshaltung des Menschen, da die Psyche genauso wie jeder andere Teilbereich des Organismus auf ausreichende Sauerstoffversorgung angewiesen ist.
Bei der bewussten Atmung sollte folgendes beachtet werden:
- Wird über die Nase tief ein- und wieder ausgeatmet; so hält diese Atmung den gesamten Energiehaushalt des Körpers auf einem konstant hohen Niveau.
- Wenn über die Nase eingeatmet und über den Mund ausgeatmet wird, erhält der Körper mehr Energie, als er abgibt. Das Energieniveau im Körper steigt auf diese Weise schnell an.
- Findet eine reine Mundatmung statt, so bleibt das Energiepotential auf einem niedrigen Niveau
- Atmen wir über den Mund ein, und über die Nase aus, sinkt das Energiepotential im Körper
7. Februar 2013
KONY 2012 - Mord, Verschleppung, körperliche und psychische Gewalt
Es geschieht so vieles in der Welt, von dem wir schlichtweg nichts wissen. Die Medienmogule entscheiden (und dies natürlich stets mit dem Profitgedanke dahinter), was sie uns täglich an Informationen servieren. Anstatt die Konsumenten und Bürger anhand von Plakaten, Zeitschriften, Radio und TV-Spots zu manipulieren, würde man die Massenmedien besser auf eine hilfreiche Art nutzen. Ich habe bis anhin zum Beispiel nie etwas von Kony gehört. Als ich das Video sah, war ich absolut schockiert, dass so was schreckliches passiert und der Rest der Erde einfach nichts davon mitbekommt. Dank vielen engagierten Leuten wird jedoch jetzt auch für uns sichtbar, welch ein Verbrechen an Ugandas Bevölkerung - und vor allem den Kindern - verübt wird. Informiert euch und schaut den Film. Diese Zeit sollte sich jeder nehmen.
Good Conversation
I found this quote and I wanted to share it on my blog. What do you think about it?
I am not gonna say here that looks doesn't count at all and that conversation is more important than anything else. But I do agree, that I feel very much attracted by ppl that use thair mind, know how to have a good conversation and have manners of course. If a man isn't able to have a good conversation, I would never get involved with him any further. And let's be honest, the excitement about making love to someone is gonna fade very soon, if this person doesn't have more to offer.
I am not gonna say here that looks doesn't count at all and that conversation is more important than anything else. But I do agree, that I feel very much attracted by ppl that use thair mind, know how to have a good conversation and have manners of course. If a man isn't able to have a good conversation, I would never get involved with him any further. And let's be honest, the excitement about making love to someone is gonna fade very soon, if this person doesn't have more to offer.
Be Yourself or a Unicorn ;-)
6. Februar 2013
5. Februar 2013
4. Februar 2013
Natural Contraception
Women, let's take control over our own health and fertility. I experience more and more women not being able to conceive anymore, which leads me to 1st our unhealthy and stressful lifestyle in general and 2nd to the contraception pills, rings, plasters a.s.o. with all the lovely side effects. Since gynaecologists don't really seem to care to give us the option of a natural and healthy way of contraception (ovbiously, there is not as much money to generate), we have to make an effort ourselves to find the information out there. So here is a natural way (and yeah, it's just 99% safe if used correctly, exactly like the pill, the ring, the condom and all the other options) to avoid pregnancy. But... you will be more likely to get pregnant, if you wish so, which is a BIG PLUS in my opinion. Wouldn't you agree?
Side effects you should expect by using the contraceptive pill
I am not a friend of the nowadays common ways of contraception like the pill, the plaster, the ring or whatever tempers with our body.
The recent cases of death related to the contraceptive pill in France, clearly show why. I can just encourage women to get their own research about how our cycle really works, what it is good for and what happens, when you choose an unnatural way of contraception. Here perhaps is a passage about a woman that did her own research and what she found out.
When we talk about the Pill preventing pregnancy, we should also mention it does this with a whole-body effect. The monthly hormone cycle is integral to many of the body’s central functions, including the metabolic, immune and endocrine systems.
After 10 years of Pill use, I showed signs of nutrient deficiency, low hormone levels and immunity suppression – with bleeding gums, urinary tract infections, hair loss, poor circulation, hypoglycaemia and rounds of flu-like fatigue, as well as the effect on my emotional state. As Alexandra Pope and Jane Bennett state in, The Pill: Are You Sure It’s For You?: “The Pill alters at least 150 bodily functions and affects all your organs.” Pope calls the ensuing problems “quality of life-threatening”.
At a time when we are more concerned about what we eat, wear and use to clean the toilet than ever, we are celebrating millions of otherwise-healthy women taking a powerful medication every day, for years. James Balog is right: these women are not sick, they’re fertile and for just a few days a month. The Pill is on so high a pedestal that alternatives are undermined in comparison. Pill-mania has eroded the fundamentals of reproductive rights – choice, freedom and education.
Here an other source telling you about the harmful side effects. Please read the whole article (link is bellow). It's very informative and necessary to make a responsible decision.
Shallow People
I read this quote on the internet and felt captured by it, because I just recently made a experience concerning this subject. What I don't like about this quote is, that it has a judgmental side on it. I don't mean to point out how bad shallow people are. I am sure, every single one has its reasons for it and a history or story behind it. If we make a painful experience with or get disappointed by a shallow person, it tells us more about ourselves than this person. I don't believe that those ppl change drastically during the time we get to know them. It's more our perception and our expectations, that make us see things differently to how they really are, until we realize it.
A while ago I met someone and I knew from the start, I didn't want to get involved with this person, because he seemed to superficial to me. So I managed to stay away successfully. But then the person came up to me to talk and I thought, I might have been mislead by his looks and his behavior, because the talk was about profound things and quite interesting. I stayed in contact with this person and we were always talking about in depth things, but never really about personal things. In the end I had to accept, that this person is not ready to open up and let anybody in. First, I thought it just takes some time and trust, but that wasn't the case. What I learnt for myself is, that this person was the way he was all along. I just didn't want to see it and I did put my own expectations on it. I think we all bend the reality sometimes to make things look the way we want them to look like. But this makes us acting shallow too, I guess. I also wonder, why we can sometimes be attracted by shallow ppl. Maybe because they make things look perfect, at least on the surface. But if you are not a shallow person yourself, a friendship like that is not gonna last, because there is a lack of depth, trust and honesty and it will feel empty or one-sided in the end. And we don't have the right to expect an other person to change. They must have their reasons to be like that. Maybe it's just a protection mechanism and if they are not ready to let go of it, they are not. It has to be their wish to change and not forced by somebody from the outside. So maybe we have to look at the things as how they are and not how we want them to be. And at the same time, I think we have to be careful not to put the negative feelings we've got from not getting out what we wanted from it, on that person. That would be like going into a sport equipment shop and being disappointed that they don't sell fresh bread :-P
A while ago I met someone and I knew from the start, I didn't want to get involved with this person, because he seemed to superficial to me. So I managed to stay away successfully. But then the person came up to me to talk and I thought, I might have been mislead by his looks and his behavior, because the talk was about profound things and quite interesting. I stayed in contact with this person and we were always talking about in depth things, but never really about personal things. In the end I had to accept, that this person is not ready to open up and let anybody in. First, I thought it just takes some time and trust, but that wasn't the case. What I learnt for myself is, that this person was the way he was all along. I just didn't want to see it and I did put my own expectations on it. I think we all bend the reality sometimes to make things look the way we want them to look like. But this makes us acting shallow too, I guess. I also wonder, why we can sometimes be attracted by shallow ppl. Maybe because they make things look perfect, at least on the surface. But if you are not a shallow person yourself, a friendship like that is not gonna last, because there is a lack of depth, trust and honesty and it will feel empty or one-sided in the end. And we don't have the right to expect an other person to change. They must have their reasons to be like that. Maybe it's just a protection mechanism and if they are not ready to let go of it, they are not. It has to be their wish to change and not forced by somebody from the outside. So maybe we have to look at the things as how they are and not how we want them to be. And at the same time, I think we have to be careful not to put the negative feelings we've got from not getting out what we wanted from it, on that person. That would be like going into a sport equipment shop and being disappointed that they don't sell fresh bread :-P

2. Februar 2013
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